Sunday, 22 February 2015

It’s been a productive weekend, got stuck into the gardens Saturday morning for some much overdue weeding. Once that was out of the way I had a good run at working on some personal projects. On the programming front I finally got around to fixing an issue with CommonMark.Editor which caused it to break when using a later versions of CommonMark, if you grab the latest version it will work as expected.

Late last week version 3.3.0 of Knockout was released, looking through the post on Knock Me Out I was reminded that Knockout added components in version 3.2.0, I mentioned to my friend Ryan that knockout components would allow you to do single-page applications with knockout a lot easier as they would do most of the heavy lifting for you, today (Sunday) I decided to play around with the idea you can find my progress so far at GitHub. With this little project I’m looking to build more of a light weight extension to Knockout rather than a full framework on top of knockout. Currently it only handles static routes but once it works with dynamic routes I’ll do a 0.1.0 release and write up a proper blog post about it.